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Book Review: I Always Cry at Weddings by Sara Goff

I Always Cra at Weddings
by Sara Goff

Published in 2015, Sara Goff’s novel, I Always Cry at Weddings, is about Ava Larson, a young woman who is willing to lose everything in order to find true love. When it seems that everything is going wrong, Ava feels a loss of identity and the world seems different and dark. She starts to fear men and worries whether or not she would be ready for the right man when he presented himself. But she decides to live in faith, not fear. Goff’s novel is a story that demonstrates the power of getting out of one’s comfort zone and bravely going for what the heart desires most.

I always Cry at Weding: Sara GoffAfter cancelling her planned wedding to her first love, Josh, only 28 days before the event, Ava’s life goes into a tailspin, Distraught from all her problems in life, she walks into a church and prays to God to help guide her, promising to delay sexual intimacy until marriage.

After a short time, she dates a guy named Julian who was an undercover cop with cool style and a rugged appearance. Since […]

May 28th, 2019|News Articles|

Sandy Bober shares her personal testimony about being raped in college, her infection with an STD and her struggles and ultimate victory to regain her self-esteem, healthy relationships and a successful marriage.

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