LoveSmart DVD Volume 1

LoveSmart DVD Volume 1


Powerful intro to key issues in teen sexuality and relationships, otherwise known as “Relationship Intelligence,” updated in 2009. Moving interviews of diverse urban and suburban teens mixed with teen rap will break open hearts and minds and lead to concept-changing classroom discussions! There is nothing like this in any health education video you have ever seen!

Part One: Choices and Consequences- 10 minutes
Part Two: Sex, More than Physical- 7 min., 40 seconds
Part Three: Fatherhood and Marriage- 10 min., 10 seconds
Part Four: Teen Advice for Parents- 5 min., 30 seconds

SKU: lovesmart-dvd-volume-1 Category:


LoveSmart DVD – Individual Use
USA Price: $22 (includes s&h)

LoveSmart DVD – Organization Use
Comes w/ teacher’s guide
USA Price: $42 (includes s&h)