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Do You Believe in Unconditional Love?

The difference between unconditional love and unconditional relationships.

By Jeremy Nicholson M.S.W., Ph.D.
Courtesy of Psychology Today

Do you believe in unconditional love?

I am asked this question frequently in discussions… When I respond with a “yes”, my questioners are usually puzzled. They wonder how I can believe in unconditional love, yet discuss very “conditional” dating and relating techniques such as reciprocal gift-giving, withholding forgiveness, rewarding a partner, etc. After all, they assume, if you love someone unconditionally and truly bond with them, then you don’t ever try to influence, limit, persuade, or set boundaries with them…right?

Their confusion over my beliefs and relationship advice is the result of their missing an important distinction. I’m going to share that distinction with you all now. It will help you to both truly enjoy unconditional love and develop healthy relationships.

Unconditional Love and Unconditional Relationships

Love is very important. When you find someone through dating and relating who loves you for “who you are”, it is an amazing experience. Similarly, it is rewarding to love someone else “as they are” (or “warts and all” as my grandmother would say). I believe that such a bond is priceless and should be nurtured […]

June 28th, 2019|News Articles|

Sandy Bober shares her personal testimony about being raped in college, her infection with an STD and her struggles and ultimate victory to regain her self-esteem, healthy relationships and a successful marriage.

Here at Love Smarts, we would like to share helpful information including personal stories of relationship successes and failures, insights from psychology and human experience about what leads to lasting love relationships.

We look forward to hearing from YOU which articles were meaningful and also about what you have learned from your own life experience, whether that was a top-of-the mountain joy or a relationship disaster!

The Institute for Relationship Intelligence is a 501c3 nonprofit organization (EIN 22-3301766). All donations are deeply appreciated and tax-deductible.

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American Sexual Health Association: STI Statistics

May 10th, 2018|News Articles|


  • One in two sexually active persons will contract an STI by age 25.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that nearly 20 million new STIs occur every year in this country, half of those among young people aged 15–24.
  • Even though young people account for half of new STI cases, a recent survey showed only about 12% were tested for STIs in the last year.
  • CDC estimates that undiagnosed STIs cause 24,000 women to become infertile each year.
  • The total estimated direct cost of STIs annually in the U.S. about $16 billion.


  • Researchers estimate that at […]

Harvey Weinstein Isn’t Unusual: Sexual Abuse and Trafficking in the United States

April 23rd, 2018|News Articles|

By Mary Rose Somarriba
Courtesy of The Public Discourse

The latest Harvey Weinstein allegation reminds us that, around the world and here in the United States, sex trafficking is closer than it appears.

The domestic and international problem of sex trafficking has been getting attention more and more in the past few years, but for many Americans, it can still feel like a very distant problem. Many don’t know that the illegal and exploitative practice of sex trafficking has roots in many situations that are legal—in pornography, at strip clubs, and, as one of the latest Weinstein allegations suggests, even […]