Unmasking Sexual Con Games: Chapter One
Summary by Emerald O’Brien
Emotional grooming is a process by which the perpetrator or “Con” manipulates their target’s emotions to seduce, coerce, or con them into sexual behavior. They most likely learned their behavior from peers, media, or other adult role models. Most Cons have never seen or experienced the mutual respect and selfless behaviors it takes to maintain or create a healthy relationship.
Perpetrators of sexual crimes and that is what it is, can be male or female. They need two things, first to control their victim to create a false sense of trust and second, secrecy. They will be in a hurry to gain control and will talk a lot about trust. Lines or without the “n,” lies will be told over and over again about their “special” relationship. They will claim no one can understand their relationship and possibly coerce through threats to their target or their family. Subtly they might say, “You wouldn’t want your little sister to get hurt, would you? They often use bribes, gifts, alcohol, and/or drugs to cloud the mind of the target and the perpetrator uses it as an excuse for themselves as to […]
Sandy Bober shares her personal testimony about being raped in college, her infection with an STD and her struggles and ultimate victory to regain her self-esteem, healthy relationships and a successful marriage.
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